The One Hundredth and Twenty Fifth of One Thousand and One Nights – by Amalaric

Rumor has it that the tall, blond, royally named Haakon survived many fights and may have lived to reclaim his freedom, having many adventures on the arduous journey back to his frozen homeland…

4 thoughts on “The One Hundredth and Twenty Fifth of One Thousand and One Nights – by Amalaric

  1. part of me wants to believe this is a model. the other part wants it to be an artist production – allowing for an infinite # of different angles and position- to allow for all sorts of possible tales and fantacies,

    • I am with you. There is more than a part of me that wants to believe this is a real person. But, alas. Another one of Amalaric’s beautiful creations for which I for one am always grateful. This one is gorgeous beyond beyond, nonetheless. Thank you, Amalaric

  2. The glory of this kind of art is the ‘infinite number of possible angles and positions’. Yep, he is an artistic composite, not a model. Ah, my imagination suddenly went into overdrive…woof!

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