The demand for slaves – especially fit younger males – always exceeds supply.
The government has put in place a number of measures to help over recent years, for example by making the penalties for many more offences that of enslavement, and these have helped in some measure. But they have been largely avoidable by the prudent – many young men now never drink at all to avoid the very low legal alcohol limits, they drive absolutely within speed limits to avoid getting the two tickets that result in the loss of their liberty, and no young guy even dares touch a girl in case she screams harassment. And of course illegal parking has ceased completely.
There is still a deficit in numbers though, and in spite of the best efforts of the police (who are eager to catch and enslave the perpetrators for the large bonuses they will get), illegal slavers operate in many of our towns and cities.  In business terms the risk/reward ratio is extremely favourable, given the prices that men can fetch.
This is typical of the scene is one of those illegal operators – a young guy waits in a cage.  He was snatched from the streets in his home town and all he knows is that it was a very long journey cuffed and chained in the back of a van.  They didn’t even bother to strip him as he was struggling too much – there’s time for that later – and now he sits in a holding cage, terrified.
There have been enough TV documentaries about the operation of illegal slavers that he knows what’s going to happen to him, and he stares with mute horror at the operating table, crude instruments, and primitive showering facilities around him.  He rightly reckons there’s no escape – he doesn’t even know where he is, he lived alone so he probably isn’t even recorded as missing, and the slavers were three big guys who can easily overpower him.
The TV show he watched recently mapped out the whole process in chilling detail.  The forced stripping followed by the shaving of his body to remove all traces of hair – any man found without pubes or hair in his pits “must” be a slave, so already it begins to be hard to prove his identity.  The searing agony as the branding iron is touched to his bare flesh to give him the large “S” that is the universal mark of a slave, and then the tattooing of a SIN (slave identification number) on his inner wrist  – a SIN taken from a slave who died through overwork but whose death was not recorded so the SIN is “live” in the national database. He fears too the pain he will experience as they circumcise him – another sure mark of a slave, as slaves are almost universally ‘skinned before sale as owners want a slave’s cock head to be visible at all times.
It won’t matter how much he protests that he’s a free man.  Anyone seeing his naked body, branded, tattooed and ‘skinned, will “know” he’s a slave. And once he’s been through a public auction (gagged, to make it hard to protest anyway), that’s it:  under the ancient “marche ouvert” system, goods bought at auction in this state become the legitimate property of the buyer even if later they are found to have been stolen, for example.
So he sits and waits.  He has no other choice anyway – the first step in acquiring the proper way of slave thinking.

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