Marine Warrior, Chapter 8, Part 2 — by Commander_nl

Chapter 8. Cesar

Part 2 of 2.

The overseer nodded. The client stepped back and watched.



The overseer had put even more force in the lash, and the whip cut into Cesar’s back, drawing blood. Cesar yanked at he chains.

– Six!

Cesar inhaled deeply, filling his lungs.



His bare teeth gleamed, his face contorted: proof of the pain he suffered.

– Seven!

Cesar looked up left and right, at the shackles on his wrists, as if he was looking for an escape. But the chains held him to the frame.



He just could not hold the scream down. The pain was so intense. He shook his head, and some sweatdrops flew from his forehead.

– Eight!

The client rubbed his crotch and admired the young black man’s musculature being displayed at its best in reaction to the lashes. Cesar noticed, but it made him feel disgust. He decided not to give that pervert what he wanted: his screams.



His body jerked in reaction to the lash, but Cesar managed not to scream out. One small victory! Now the next!

– Nine!

Panting heavily Cesar awaited the next lash. He clenched his fists, closed his eyes, tensed up, and waited to hear the swishing sound from behind. And it came.



Pulling himself up as far as his shackled ankles allowed, Cesar fought against the urge to scream as the bullwhip cut into his back. His biceps bulged thick. Then he found his footing, and gasped for air.

– Ten!

The client approached and caressed Cesar’s pecs and abs.

– Well, boy? Does it hurt? Tell me, come, tell your master….say it!

Cesar shook his head. His back was on fire. The overseer was looking at two series of five bloody welts, crisscross on the wide, muscled back.

– Very well then. Overseer! Continue! Now his sides!

The client stepped back and the overseer took a few steps forward. He targeted Cesar’s right side.



The bullwhip lashed into Cesar right ribcage full force and wrapped around to cut into his abs. He bent his upper body laterally into the impact of the whip and stamped his foot hard on the ground.

– Eleven!

Cesar rested his face against his right arm biceps and gasped for air. But he had little respite.



Again the whip cut his ribcage, but now the end of the whip bit into his pec.

– Twelve!

Cesar shook his head wildly and yanked at the chains. Saliva was dripping from his lips.



The whip tore at the skin of his ribcage and its tip cut open another thin wound on his abs.

– Thirteen!

Cesar moaned, his eyes closed tightly. His fingers clawed the air.



The whip lashed his ribcage. It felt as if he was being cut open by a red-hot knife. His body hang squirming from the chains on his wrists.

– Fourteen!

The client looked on intently at Cesar’s suffering. A thick bulge in his crotch was proof of his sadistic excitement.



Cesar’s body bent into the force of the whiplash as far as his chains allowed. By instinct he put his teeth into his hard and thick biceps and bit himself hard, but the pain from the whipping was overwhelming.

– Fifteen!

The client signalled the overseer to halt. He walked up to Cesar again, who’s chest and abs now showed five bleeding thin wounds. His chin rested on his glistening chest as he panted heavily.

– Boy! Look at me! Tell me…does it hurt? Say it, slave!

Cesar turned away his head and groaned. He spoke with difficulty.

– …te…detesto…hijo…de puta!

The client slapped him hard in the face, making his head spin.

– Overseer! His other side! Harder!

The overseer made the necessary steps sideways to target Cesar’s lift side. He loosened his arm and began.



The whip bit into Cesar’s ribcage and its tip cut his lower abs. Cesar threw his head back and his mouth opened wide as he screamed. His whole body convulsed in agony.

– Sixteen!



Now the whip’s tip cut into his left pec. Cesar’s body bent into the force of the whiplash. He almost roared with pain.

– Seventeen!

Cesar’s chest heaved heavily, he gasped for air.



He stamped his feet hard on the ground and pulled at the chains with all his might. His muscles flexed to the max.

– Eighteen!

The client’s penis was now visibly hard in his pants. His eyes were wide with excitement, his right fist clenched, as he took in his young and strong victim’s torture.



Cesar’s body jerked in pain as the whip cut his skin. Blood and sweat started to mix on his glistening skin.

– Nineteen!

Saliva and some blood ran from his lips. His fingers clawed in thin air.



Cesar arched his back as he screamed, and shook his head in agony. Then his body became limp and he was hanging from his wrists.

– Twenty!

Pain was all he was aware of. He hardly noticed that the client had come up to him again. All he noticed was that all of a sudden his cock and balls were grabbed.

– Slave! Look at me! Look at your master!

Slowly Cesar raised his head, moaning. He looked into the evil and sadistic stare of his tormentor.

– Say it boy! Does it hurt? You thank your master for the lesson in discipline?

The words did not really register with him. All he understood, through a haze of pain, was “hurt” and “master”. But it was enough. He mustered his strength and focused his gaze at the client. Then he spoke with difficulty.

– …vete…a la…MIERDA!

His chin fell back to his sweating chest. The client called at the overseer.

– Damn the beast! Continue! And now his ass! You know what to do!

The overseer grinned and measured the distance to his victim, and especially the area below Cesar’s bleeding torso: the buttocks. The two perfectly symmetrical taut ass-cheeks seemed to offer themselves to the whip. Cesar’s heavy muscled legs lightly quivered, and he moved his grazed wrists in the shackles. His chest heaved.



With full force the bullwhip tore into Cesar’s buttocks, causing a fresh bleeding welt. His body shook with pain.

– Twenty-one!

The client came round to see the whip biting into Cesar’s ass from close up. He put his hand on the rounded asscheeks and felt their firmness.

– Great ass you have, boy! We’re gonna mark those good! Overseer! Harder!

He stepped aside, and the next whiplash came.



The whipping frame groaned as Cesar pulled with all his strength at the chains, his muscles flexing to the max. Sweat now ran in thin rivulets down his chest and abs.

– Twenty-two!

The overseer stepped sideways to change the angle of the whipping. Again he measured the distance to Cesar’s athletic ass.



In his agony Cesar thought that his ass was being cut open with red hot knives. He shook his head wildly in pain.

– Twenty-three!

The client massaged the swollen penis inside his pants as he watched the young black man being punished mercilessly. He saw the bullwhip tear the skin of Cesar’s ass and opening up thin bleeding welts.



Every time the whip lashed into him, Cesar’s body shocked and jerked in reaction to the pain. He had lost awareness of his surroundings: all he knew was suffering.

– Twenty-four!

Thin rivulets of blood were beginning to run down the back of Cesar’s thick muscled thighs. His ass quivered.



With his head thrown back Cesar screamed out his pain. His fingers clawed the air. All his muscles were now pumped to the max and beneath the bloody welts the muscle groups stood out.

– Twenty-five!

The client lifted up his hand and the overseer interrupted his work. He walked to Cesar’s front and lifted up his chin.

– Boy! Hey, boy! Tell your master! Does it hurt? Does is HURT?

Cesar was panting heavily, his eyes half closed, saliva and some blood running down his chin. Slowly his vision focused, and he looked into the eyes of his tormentor.

– …tu…bastar…bastardo…

The client slapped Cesar’s face violently.

– You ungrateful beast! Animal! Do I have to beat you to death before you learn? Eh? Overseer! Come round! Whip his cock and balls! Hard!

The overseer walked around the whipping frame and took position in front of Cesar. He measured his distance again, looking at his new target. Between the thick muscled, spread thighs Cesar’s low hanging balls and masculine, thick cock were hanging free. The client stepped aside and invitingly gestured with his hand towards the young black man’s vulnerable genitals. As Cesar began to understand what was about to happen, he opened his eyes widely.

– …No….no!!…

But the overseer was already swinging his bullwhip. Cesar flexed all his muscles in anticipation, pulling at the chains.



The perfectly aimed whiplash tore at its target and the heaviest shock sofar went through Cesar’s body as he yelled in agony. His manhood was being attacked. Pain and panick.

– Twenty-six!

The client was busy opening his fly and fumbling to get out his swollen cock, while he looked at the suffering young black man chained on the whipping frame. The overseer aimed again and with a flick of his wirst directed the tip of the bullwhip once more at Cesar’s genitals.



Another violent shock went through Cesar’s body as the whip curled around his cock and tore at its skin.

– Twenty-seven!

Cesar pulled frantically at the chains. Drops of moisture ran down his face, and it was unclear if it was just sweat or tears. His whole body was glistening with sweat, and the bloody stripes all over his torso stood out.



The bullwhip hit Cesar’s balls and sent another shock of pain through his muscular body. Now Cesar’s eyes were clearly filled with tears of agony and suffering.

– Twenty-eight!

Mike’s eyes opened wide as he watched the awful punishment inflicted on Cesar. His whole body was tense with anger and frustration. It was just beyond his comprehension that he was witnessing a thing like this. It was a nightmare. Then suddenly he felt a hand resting on his shoulder, and he heard Kramet’s whispering voice.

– Watch, Mr. Slade! Is this not a fine spectacle? What a great young man and how beautifully he suffers! Is it not impressive that he is still conscious? He is very fit and strong indeed!

Mike wanted to answer, but the sound of the bullwhip swishing made him focus on Cesar again.



Those were animalesk screams of desperation now coming from deep inside the tortured young black man. The whip mercilessly attacked his defenseless and vulnerable manhood.

– Twenty-nine!

A red haze of pain covered Cesar’s eyesight. All he experienced was agony and anxiety over his proud manhood. He looked down his sweating and bleeding chest and abs, and he saw his big cock bleeding, and his thighs trembling.



Cesar pulled himself up in pain as far as the chains on his ankles allowed as the whip tore at his genitals. He shook his head wildly, then he held himself up for a moment, just to open his mouth wide in a silent scream. With that his body became limp and he hung from his stretched arms.

– Thirty!

The overseer looked over at his boss. The client stood and massaged his swollen cock after having shot his load. He had a satisfied smile on his face as he rearranged his clothes and looked over at the limp muscled body hanging on the whipping frame. Cesar’s chin rested on his chest. He breathed slowly, moaning and shivering. He was barely conscious.

The client walked over to Kramet.

– My friend! A memorable event! This was one of the best black boys you ever had. Great body and great endurance, I have to say. A strong one!

Kramet smiled while shaking the client’s hand.

– You can rely on NPNG Enterprises, as you see. We deliver! Are you done with him? For a special price you can continue, after he’s recovered a bit.

The client shook his head.

– No, it’s fine. I think he’s getting numb soon. That spoils the fun. Maybe I book him again later.

Kramet, the client and the overseer left together towards the fortress. The convicts were sent inside to their cells. The last Mike saw was how guards unchained Cesar’s wrists. The young man fell on the ground and curled up in agony. Then Mike felt a hard push in his back.

– Inside, bastardo!

He gritted his teeth and went inside to his cell. He was more determined than ever to escape from this hellhole and put a stop to this cruelty.

Continued on Thursday.

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